13/10/2021   Term 1- Brutal Britain

What an incredible first term we are having. As we draw to a close of our first topic it is wonderful to be able to showcase and celebrate some of the children's achievements this term.

As part of our novel study we have written a recount as Herbie in Malamander (by Thomas Taylor) of his experience meeting Violet Parma in his hotel Lost and Foundery! Take a look at your child's Seesaw page to see this marvellous writing and to hear them reading their work. We are now working on an opening to a sequel to Malamander with our creations of a further mythological creature for Herbie and Violet to face!

In maths, the children have worked hard on number, place value, addition and subtraction. We are now beginning our multiplication work as part of our Maths No Problem mastery approach to learning in maths. It has been wonderful to see the progression in children's journalling in maths as they develop their answers, proof and explanations to a range of problems every day.

In science, we have been focusing on materials, their properties and changes in state. We will be presenting our learning in this unit, including reflections on our investigations by presenting an explanation text next week. 

In history we have really developed our understanding of reliability and bias of sources, and considered why we know what we know, or think we know, about the Dark Ages in our British history. Our chronological awareness is developing with application of our knowledge to different timeline tasks and we will continue to explore chronology throughout the year, contrasting events with what else we know happened at different points in time.

What do you think to our character designs for our mythological creatures in English?