16/05/2024   "Pupils personal development is at the heart of the school's work." Ofsted February 2024

16/05/2024   "Pupils feel happy and safe at school. This leads to high attendance." Ofsted February 2024

16/05/2024   "The school is ambitious to meet the needs of all pupils. This ambition is being realised." Ofsted February 2024

09/09/2022   Her Majesty the Queen

27/02/2022   Weekly update w.c 21.2.22

A wonderful first week back!

We launched into our decimals learning and a little bit of line graph work to recall prior learning. The children are now well accustomed with regular short bursts of retrieval practice across the curriculum and this is a particular win in maths with a huge range of topics covered across the year. Another retrieval task included converting times. It would be really useful if you could spend some time focusing on telling the time and converting between analogue and digital times. We have also been calculating how much time has lapsed between events.

In English, we are near the end of our sentence stacking lessons on Emperor penguins, and will be preparing for independent writing of our non-chronological reports by the end of week 2. Remember, that spellings are available on Ed Shed and in your child's homework folder.

In science, we have revisited our prior learning on retrieving materials from a solution as we prepare for new learning in chemistry.

In RE, we spent a morning at the church enjoying a pilgrimage through the stations of the cross with Captain Chris before preparing some materials for the upcoming Easter service.

Check out the galleries posted to your child's journal on Seesaw. These include kurling, science and RE from week 1. Seesaw has been a great way to document our learning, communicate and share interests and will continue to be used in this way as our school returns to a more 'normal' approach. This means we can share with you elements of your child's learning journey while we await a more 'normal' parents evening and open-day sessions as we had in the past where you could see your child's work.

I look foward to speaking with you all via Zoom this coming week for Parents Evening!

15/02/2022   Spring 2 curriculum map now available!

Our spring term 2 curriculum overview is now attached above on this page.

Homework booklets will come home on Thursday in week 1 complete with this term's focus spelling lists, additional arithmetic tasks and some grammar revision. Please continue to encourage regular reading and engagement with Spelling Shed and Times Table Rockstars.

I look forward to speaking with you all at our upcoming parents evening appointments but do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions before then!

09/02/2022   Stone Age workshop

Today Chestnut Class have taken part in Stone Age workshop provided by the Lincolnshire Heritage Centre.  We were able to dissect coprolites (Stone Age poo)  to detect which period of the Stone Age it would have come from.  Next, we identified tools and placed them into the Paleolithic, Mesolithic or Neolithic periods.  Finally, we got the chance to do some knapping, but not with flint, with soap.  We had a great afternoon and had lots of fun.

03/02/2022   Weekly update w/c 31/1/22

What a week!

After an amazing trip to the space centre we have continued our learning about the big bang theory and explored how the universe has expanded from a set point and continues to do so. We explored this using balloons and measuring the increasing distances to visualise the concept further. Mrs Ruffy made the mistake of telling the children she is scared of balloons! Luckily, no balloons popped so all is well!

We have published our narrative writing in English and attached photos to seesaw to share with our families. The standard is incredibly high and the care and attention to best handwriting shows the great pride everyone took in this descriptive piece. We have now begun our non-chronological work by analysing a text all about the arctic fox. 

In maths, we have shown incredible resilience and continued solving calculations with unlike fractions. We are more confident now with converting our unlike fractions and ending the week by moving onto multiplying fractions by whole numbers.

We have a lot of work to do to finish our DT pop up books but aim to get these done next week and cannot wait to read them to our Oak class buddies. Keep an eye on seesaw for a preview of our finished pieces!

While we have been unable to invite families in now for some time, we hope to keep posting examples of our learning journey on Seesaw so please do let us know if you need a new QR code to sign into your child's account to view their work and the class posts (including some brilliant dancing in PE amongst a range of other learning). We look forward to the day when we can bring you in for an exhibition or stay and learn session. Thank you for your support and patience during this time.

25/01/2022   Weekly update 25.1.22

What an amazing week already!

We are practising our spellings daily in handwriting lessons, testing our table partners, via EdShed and through some spelling games. Thank you for the home support to practise spellings. It makes a huge impact. This term we have replaced the Friday spelling test with reading comprehension and ramped up our practice of spellings to ensure we are still embedding new spelling rules and exception words to our working memory.

In English, we are now drafting our narratives. We are taking a paragraph at a time, editing and critiquing as we go. Our narrative work is centred on the opening to the Nowhere Emporium which is also our current class read.

In maths, we have been working on adding and subtracting fractions. We are also having a brief break from fractions to allow it to rest while we look at money, income, living costs and poverty as part of a global goals cross curricular maths unit. This is allowing us to apply a range of operations as well as data recording as we calculate real world problems with money- a nice sneak peek into decimals which we will start in the coming weeks too!

In science, we are going to be producing a guide to the planets, looking at the unique features of the terrestrial and gassy planets in our solar system. More excitingly, we are going to the Space Centre on Friday! Watch this space for photos of our trip!

In RE, home work tasks around salvation are deepening class discussion and this week we have considered what some people might consider worthy of sactrificing their lives for. We discussed the possible people we felt we guilty of Jesus' crucifixion and reflected on a quote by Martin Luther King- "He who has nothing he is willing to die for, is not fit to live" and asked what he meant by this, what we think it means to us and how this applies to the story of Jesus' death.

A great week already!

18/01/2022   Weekly update w.c 17.1.22

Hello everyone!

This week some of our keep focuses are:

Maths- converting unlike fractions using bar model and finding common denominators

English- sentence stacking the final plot points of our Nowhere Emporium novel with a focus on editing our sentences using carefully selected synonyms for action, description and details in dialogue.

Science- looking at the movement of the planets and what causes a solar and lunar eclipse

Dance- adding a pique turn to our bank of moves as we choreograph to an upbeat 8 bar track

History- looking at social issues affecting significant figures in the space race- Hidden Figures

DT- Pop up book making continued

RE- Salvation and what it means to us

Well done for your hard work in class and at home. Some excellent responsibility being seen in taking ownership for own learning with frequent practising of spellings, additional maths practice and topic research and a wide range of novels being shared in class all the time. 

Don't forget it's our school trip next Friday. Reminder and timings will be sent on Parent Pay.

04/01/2022   Welcome back and weekly update 4.1.22

I hope you all had a wonderful break and I am super excited for this term's learning ahead!

The curriculum map is now uploaded to this page above and you can have a peek at where our learning journey is taking us this term. This is my most favourite term ever because we will learn all about space, Katherine Johnson, Galileo, Newton and Copernicus. We will dig deep into how thinking and knowledge has evolved over time and this week we will be critiquing the significance of historical events in our journey as humans that travel into space!

In maths this week we will complete chapter 4- word problems. Focusing on use of bar model and inverse operations to solve multi step word problems

In english, we will be exploring The Nowhere Emporium by Ross McKenzie- it is FABULOUS! We will be looking at sentence stacking to write a descriptive narrative passage as part of our broader narrative unit over the coming weeks.

In science we will look at the work of Copernicus in understanding what is out there in space and a little bit of flat earth theory!

In DT, we are going to be making pop up books for year 1 children, so this week is all about designing them.

In RE, we are asking whether Easter or Christmas is the most important Christian festival as we introduce the unit Salvation.

In PE, we are dancing and playing a pokeball game!

Weekly spellings are coming home in your homework booklet and assignments are live on edshed!

09/12/2021   Weekly update 9.12.21

This week we have been learning:


In maths- how to interpret data in a range of tables, noticing trends in frequency of activity and in identifying when flights, trains and events are available. We have learned how to look for key information to enable us to read the table effectively. We have solved a range of word problems with real world links to broaden our understanding, even writing our own problems and data stories.

In English- we are drafting a review of Camp Green Lake. We have so far identified key features and mapped out how we each want our reviews to be presented. We have looked at a range of sentence structures for effective desription of key features of the camp and Stanley's experience there. In our grammar work we have been developing use of speech in the forms of reported and direct speech and the correct punctuation of direct speech. To deepen this learning we have developed action and reporting clauses within dialogue.

In art- we have now critiqued and evaluated our drafts and are ready to redraft our Torres-Garcia inspired designs.

In geography- we are ready to present our end of unit knowledge catcher next week after creating our mountain dioramas which we will be using as part of our computing and music work with Mr Allen.


Peer critique and self evaluation of our first drafts for our Torres-Garcia inspired deisgns

05/12/2021   Weekly update w.c 29.11.21

This week, Silver Birch have shown resilience and responsibility as we completed assessment week. The whole class recevied a work of the week award for their attitude towards assessment and were excited to celebrate their progress. 

Alongside our assessments this week, the children have continued their study of the novel Holes. 

In DT, we have been constructing our mountain dioramas. There's still a bit of work to do before we can then use them in oue music project with Mr Allen this week. We will be recording a movie style soundtrack and doing some stop motion animation in computing all using our dioramas as we bring our topic to a close.

In maths, we began some new learning in division and explored partitioning of numbers to help us to understand the long multiplication method. Many of the class then used their preferred short diviesion (bus stop) to check their answers. 

The field was too boggy for our tag rugby lesson so we learned some tactics in some brilliant games of bench ball where we could use some of the teamwork strategies, coordination and positioning from our tag rugby lessons.

05/12/2021   Weekly update w.c 6.12.21

In Silver Birch this week we will be:

Consolidating our learning of multiplication and division and beginning a new chapter in maths: data.

In English, we will be looking at review writing alongside some grammar work looking at modal verbs and imperative verbs.

In Guided Reading we are developing retrieval and summarising skills using the text 'Christmas'.

In DT, we will be finishing and evaluating our dioramas ready for our music/ stop motion project with Mr Allen.

In science, we will be looking at asexual reproduction as part of our living things study.

In RE, we will explore the Hadith in our study of Islam- Being Human.

In PE, we will be navigating a wider area in our orienteering practice as well as some more tag rugby with Mr Allen.

In Art, we are going to be critiquing our first draft, evaluating and preparing to publish our Torres Garcia pieces.

A fab week ahead!

26/11/2021   Weekly update 22 11 21

This week we have drafted, edited and published our informal letters as Stanley Yelnats.

Children will post their final pieces on their seesaw journals next week.

In maths, we have looked at multiplication of 2 and 3 digit numbers using a range of methods including expanded form and column method.

In our foundation subjects, we have considered why cities developed around major rivers and the potential future consequences of human activity on rivers. We have also looked at the reproduction of flowering plants as part of our living things study in biology.

Next week we will be drafting our Torres Garcia inspired paintings and begin creating our mountain dioramas which will also be used in a music/computing project. Final pieces will be shared via seesaw before the end of term.

11/11/2021   DT- Diwali

Your diwa holders have now come home and you can cut them off the card base we used to secure them. Check out some of our final pieces! These should last a long time after being thoroughly glazed and will hold a tealight and/or an incense stick.



11/11/2021   Art

We have been developing our sketching skills using pencil and charcoal. We are very proud of our results.

10/11/2021   This week in Silver Birch

This week in Silver Birch we have been working super hard to master square and cube numbers. We even looked at expanded expressions using just prime numbers. I am very impressed with the determination and successes of all of our classmates.

We finally sent home our Hamsa hands which we made as part of our Hinduism study. We made these to mark the festival of Diwali. You should now be able to cut them off their card bases and enjoy them as a tealight or incense holder in your homes. They are stunning.

We also wrote prayers for the Remembrance service taking place this Sunday at St Andrew's Church. Here are some of our poppies in the making that we will hold with pride during our school remembrance service this week too. We used the work of Darrel Wakelam to inspire a recycled, eco-friendly design.

We launched our new study in science today too. We are looking at life processes and how life cycles compare across different living things. We played a yes/no game to identify the living thing on our backs! Great fun that led to some specific scientific questioning. Some brilliant retrieval of prior learning with questions such as "am I a carnivore?"

10/11/2021   English w.c 8.11.21

Have you met Stanley Yelnats? Possibly you have! If not, then you will soon be introduced through your children's English work this term!

So far we have read 5 chapters of Holes and developed deeper understanding of Louis Sachar's vocabulary choices. American English can be so different to the language we use daily but we are making great connections. Did you know what a spigot was?

This week's grammar has focused on modifying words for intensity- brutal- brutally, happy- happily. 

We are looking at a variety of sentence structures also to exaggerate perspective as we retell Stanley's first encounters with other children and staff at Camp Green Lake! Watch this space for our informal letter writing home from Stanley to his parents!


This week's spelling test is list 7, last week's words. And we are learning list 8, which will be tested next Friday. All spellings are accessible on Spelling Shed and in your children's homework booklets.

01/11/2021   Making Bird Feeders

We have been learning about instructions in English. We had great fun making our own bird feeders to hand in the forest area and then wrote our own set of instructions for others to follow. The birds definitely enjoyed them. 

13/10/2021   Term 1- Brutal Britain

What an incredible first term we are having. As we draw to a close of our first topic it is wonderful to be able to showcase and celebrate some of the children's achievements this term.

As part of our novel study we have written a recount as Herbie in Malamander (by Thomas Taylor) of his experience meeting Violet Parma in his hotel Lost and Foundery! Take a look at your child's Seesaw page to see this marvellous writing and to hear them reading their work. We are now working on an opening to a sequel to Malamander with our creations of a further mythological creature for Herbie and Violet to face!

In maths, the children have worked hard on number, place value, addition and subtraction. We are now beginning our multiplication work as part of our Maths No Problem mastery approach to learning in maths. It has been wonderful to see the progression in children's journalling in maths as they develop their answers, proof and explanations to a range of problems every day.

In science, we have been focusing on materials, their properties and changes in state. We will be presenting our learning in this unit, including reflections on our investigations by presenting an explanation text next week. 

In history we have really developed our understanding of reliability and bias of sources, and considered why we know what we know, or think we know, about the Dark Ages in our British history. Our chronological awareness is developing with application of our knowledge to different timeline tasks and we will continue to explore chronology throughout the year, contrasting events with what else we know happened at different points in time.

What do you think to our character designs for our mythological creatures in English?

25/02/2020   Our Collective Worship Theme for this term is wisdom

19/01/2020   Viking Link Launch

Last week saw the launch of a wider social project. The National Grid have invited our school to work with them as they develop the electricity sharing cable mission which sees the exchange of energy between Bicker, Lincolnshire and Denmark.

The children were able to show off the mapping skills they have learned this term so far to survey the local area.

We will take this study further this coming week with a field study to update the local OS maps and deepen our real world understanding of these skills for life!

We have had a couple of volunteers to assist on the field trip, please pop to the office to let us know if you can join us. We will be leaving school shortly after 1pm on Wednesday.

See the galleries at the top of this page for photos from the Viking Link project.

10/01/2020   Welcome back!

Welcome back to a new term, in a whole new decade!

The children have been working super hard already, delving into the Norse Tale Beowulf in English, and taking a deeper look at retrieving data from tables in Maths. Next week we will be moving onto line graphs in our data work in maths, and building description in paragaphs that develop characterisation and settings in English.

We have launched our topic with some map work to identify the countries the Anglo Saxons travelled from, and where the seven kingdoms were on the British Isles. The children also made brooches that required a careful focus on symmetry, intricate design and added some jewels to embrace the beauty of Anglo Saxon jewellery.

This term we are going to have a big focus upon spelling and taking care in presenting all writing to the expected standard. It can be quite tricky to remember everything when adding new learning to our memories, but with a big focus on punctuation and spelling this term across every written piece of work we will be masters in transcriptions in no time. Everybody is now using a pen in English to reinforce that careful handwriting too. It would be reallly helpful if children could continue to practice their spellings at home. We would usually put these in reading diaries but as these don't always come into shcool we will start sending them home in homework folders. Children will be given 10 spellings each week to focus on. The children have a range of strategies up their sleeves to practice spellings and should use their preferred method to do this at home.

For anybody fancying some additional challenges from home, I wonder if you could create portriat of an Anglo Saxon that details the kind of clothes they might have worn, the equipment they may have carried and labels to explain the materials used to make these items. We will add these pieces to our class Anglo Saxon display.

Don't forget to spend some time on Times Table Rockstars. Let's get Silver Birch in the top 30 for the whole school!

Have a great weekend :)

13/12/2019   It's official - we're a GOOD church school!

As a school, we have recently been inspected under the statutory inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS) which is designed to support the effectiveness and distinctive character of Church of England schools.     We are now delighted to be able to share this report with you and confirm that we are a GOOD church school.

Please click on the link to read the full inspection report:

SIAMS Report November 2019


28/11/2019   Parents Evening- Thank you

Hi all,

I just wanted to thank you all for your time this week at our two parents evenings. It is lovely to be able to celebrate your children together, there's so much to talk about in such a short time but I hope you have taken away a clear view of how your child is doing in class.

I really appreciated the feedback on what is working in regards to homework too. I have taken this on board and will be including regular times table practise tasks to complement home use of Times Table Rockstars, and I will ensure the spellings continue weekly. These will be a mix of the year 3/4 and 5/6 spelling lists. Spellings will be tested every Wednesday and new ones sent home with homework on the Thursday. This has really helped the children take more care in their independent written tasks.

We also talked alot about reading during our meetings and I am going to arrange a 'book tasting' session to gauge a deeper insight into how children tackle new books, and what stops them wanting to try something new. I will endeavour to find genres that appeal to all children to inspire them to read for pleasure- from magazines, and children's novels, to non fiction books and online blogs. Reading is reading, and the more we read, the more we know- to paraphrase Dr Seuss!

Finally, if you ever wish to meet to discuss any matter I try to make sure I am available before the bell goes in the morning, and have some availability after school for longer appointments on a Tuesday or Thursday. Just give me a shout or pop into the office.

Thanks again,

Mrs Ruffy


15/11/2019   Stone Age Poo!

As part of our Stone Age topic, we asked the question, What did hunter-gathers eat and how did they get it?  So to answer this question today, we looked at poo, lots of poo.  We cut up our poo and compared the contents.  Was it Stone Age poo, or poo from modern man?  We discovered what Stone Age man ate and then looked at just how he came about hunting or gathering this food and how their diet differed from ours.  It was quiet a lesson, a lesson I doubt we will forget easily.


14/11/2019   Boccia- Meeting a Paralympian!

We were treated to an extra special PE lesson, courtesy of Matt Annan, an Olympic athlete who has competed in the Paraylmpic games in Boccia. Matt also works as a coach for Boccia England and I was delighted that he was able to join us to improve our Boccia skills at a competitive level. The class were so eager to develop an edge to their bowls and learn new tricks from a professional- such a competitive bunch!


08/10/2019   The life cycle of a flowering plant


Today we continued our study of plant life cycles and reproduction by searching for flowering plants in our school gardens and pond area. We found many different flowering plants that we could carefully dissect to identify the male and femlae reproductive organs. There was some excitement as the microscopes meant we could identify pollen on the anthers of our flowers. Wonderful to see science in the real world- applying our key knowledge to the natural world around us. We also considered the ways in which these flowering plants might germinate around different areas of our grounds through movement of living things, seed dispersal and weathering.

01/10/2019   Deux petits oiseaux lyrics

Today we launched our language unit in French. The children have practised greetings- bonjour! Je m'appelle... et... au revoir!

We also learned a song to embed these greetings. The lyrics are below as promised for the children to share with you at home. Do you recognise the tune they are singing?

Deux petits oiseaux

Assis sur une brance

Je m'appelle Fifi

Je m'appelle Blanche

Bonjour Fifi

Bonjour Blanche

Au revoir Fifi

Au revoir Blanche!

29/09/2019   Introducing Greta Thunberg

As we get ready for another week and delving into our topic even further, I can't help but look back with great pride at the impact the children's passion for the topic is having upon their wider curriculum activities. In English we have delved into the speech given by Greta Thunberg last week. The children have magpied the powerful language she uses to drive home her message. We will be considering what this means to us this coming week and how we can use this inspirational individual's dedication to climate change to make a small difference from our classroom.

I am looking forward to the final rainforest creature projects submitted with homework this week. We have had a few already handed in and the sneak peek I have had has shown a high standard of quality and care to each piece. We also enjoyed a further presentation with J who used powerpoint to present her findings. Thank you for your support with homework, it has had a real impact on class work already.

Finally, we are in battle against Hazel Class on timestable rockstars... tonight's peek has revealed we have just slipped slightly into second place. The children's determination to win this challenge is excellent! Good luck, Silver Birch!

20/09/2019   Layers of the Rainforest

This week the children have researched the features of the different biomes within the rainforest, with a focus on what lives within each of the four layers of the rainforest. In DT the children constructed dioramas of the layers in teams, delegating roles to each team member to ensure they included the correct details for their layer.

The children have worked super hard to develop their narratives and tell a story that raises awarenss of what is happening in our rainforests. Their story writing is inspired by our class novel, Fire Girl and Forest Boy, and from our topic launch text- Where the Forest Meets the Sea. Watch this space for some sneak peeks at some of our stories next week.



14/09/2019   Can human impact on the rainforest be reversed?

This one of the key questions we are analysing in Silver Birch on reflection of the events in the rainforest. Did you know the Arctic is also on fire? The children will be able to explain to you why this has happened and how long it has been going on for. We were horrified to discover this information and it has motivated the children to really care for the plants in our classroom that are part of our science investigation. We want to find out if the damaged plants can thrive under the right conditions.

This week we will reflect upon our findings and delve further into studying the key parts of plants and the role they play in plant reproduction.

So, Silver Birch- are you ready to find out if and how you can help to save our plants, forests and rainforests? I am excited to hear your thoughts as this investigation continues.

Don't forget to read daily and practise those all important times tables by logging into Times Table Rockstars. We are in competition with Rowan class and have until Tuesday to beat them! :D

06/09/2019   Welcome back! What a week!


The only way to sum up the hard work done by the Silver Birch children this week. On Wednedsay the children were introduced to our Rainforest topic through lessons in guided reading, English and Geography. We talked about the aspects of the rainforests we would like to learn about and looked at some images. The children were able to lead a deep shared discussion about current events in the Amazon and my favourite quote from the day was "the rainforest is like the lungs of our planet!".

The following morning, an inspired class member read out a draft of a letter they had written to the Houses of Parliament urging them to take the matter as seriously as our class. A parent also told me today that their child had been working on the computer on some Rainforest research for their homework. I was in awe.. I haven't set any homework this week!

I am so proud to be spending this year with these children, who are inspired, motivated and compassionate- determined to make a difference in their school and in the wider world.

Watch this space as our topic unfolds and the children drive their ideas to make climate change and human activity a real topic of conversation in our school and community.

Have a wonderful weekend,

Mrs Ruffy :)

P.S. here is a useful link to review the next unit in our Number and Place Value work as we look at the use of Roman Numerals. Dojos for any children who can tell me why there is no zero in Roman Numerals.


Can you write your birthday in Roman Numerals? What about today's date?



06/09/2019   Numbers to 1 000 000? No Problem!

Maths learning this week has embodied a full understanding of the value of numebrs up to 1 000 000. With enthusiasm the children have partitioned and represented numbers using place value counters, number sentences, digits and their word representations.

Captain Conjecture says "three hundred thousand and twenty five is written as 30025". Is he correct? Can you explain your reasoning to somebody at home?


Which number is represented by these place value counters?

02/04/2019   Visit from a local hero, PCSO Nick

Today we were lucky enough to have a visit from a local PCSO, she told us all about the important work the Police do, as well as teach us about what we should do if we ever need the help of the Police.  She really was proof that, not all heroes wear capes.


12/01/2019   Rock sorting

Chestnut Class spent the afternoon looking for rocks.  Later, we brought them back to the classroom to sort them, according to their properties.  If only we had a volcano in Heckington so that we could find some igneous rocks too!


21/11/2018   Maths Stay and Learn Sessions

Please click on the link below to access the PowerPoint presentation from our maths stay and learn sessions.


Maths No Problem Presentation


If you have any questions or queries, please speak to your child's class teacher or to our math's lead, Miss Coggins.

30/10/2018   Open Morning and Evening

06/10/2018   Willow Class are Radio Stars!

This week, Willow Class appeared on Lincs FM discussing their topic of Muck, Mess and Mixtures!   They featured on  Little School which is part of Joe Begley's morning show.  Click on the link below to have a listen:


06/10/2018   Lincs FM came to interview us about our topic Muck, Mess and Mixtures

On Thursday 20th September, radio presenters Joseph and Richard camefrom Lincs FM to interview us and find out about our topic for the term. Joseph also read some of our class novel George's Marvellous Medicine to the class. We thouroughly enjoyed having them in our classroom. Thank you.

Listen to our podcast here:



05/10/2018   Respect, Relationships, Responsibility, Resilience and Reverence: 5Rs = Ready for Life. “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” John 10:10

06/09/2018   Our Collective Worship Theme for this term is Creation

03/09/2018   Ready for the New School Year

The school is all ready for the new school year ahead.  Staff have worked incredibly hard to ensure that the learning environments are vibrant and engaging ready for the children's return to school.  Thank you to all of them for their hard work and commitment to ensuring that the children have the very best environment to work in!