P.E. and Sports Premium

What is the PE and Sport Premium?

The PE and Sport Premium is an additional layer of funding received by schools. It is ring-fenced so can only be spent on improving the quality and breadth of PE and School Sport. It has been doubled to support schools to implement the government’s Obesity Strategy and to support the health and wellbeing of all young people in the school.

How much does our school receive?

There is now a total grant of £16,000 plus £10 per child on roll. We receive this each academic year until 2020. The grant comes from 3 government departments:

  • Education
  • Health
  • Culture, Media and Sport

How is the Pupil Premium money spent?

This year we have chosen to work with the Outreach Team from Carre’s Grammar School in Sleaford. Their network has over 30 primary schools engaged in regular PE and Sport activities. By working together we can; share best practice, collaborate on PE programmes, exchange high quality ideas, engage different young people in events and broaden local competition options.


We do this by focusing work into 4 areas:

  1. High Quality PE. We invest in training courses and PE mentoring for our school staff.
  2. Competition. We release school staff from their timetable so they can take children to competitions, events and festivals. We also arrange transport where necessary. 
  3. Health and Wellbeing. We are working hard to ensure every child is physically active for a minimum of 30 minutes per school day. This is not limited to PE lessons only. We aim to provide every child with a sporting opportunity every year. This could be a one-off taster event or a regular school-based club. We also work with assessment data to put interventions in place to benefit identified children.
  4. Community. We work with local sports clubs so that our children can continue to lead healthy, active lifestyles beyond school hours. We also develop leadership skills so that our children will be confident in delivering activities to other children and will develop their characters from a young age.

What is the impact of Pupil Premium?

Each year we publish a report on our website. This tells our visitors how we have spent our grant and what the impact has been.

How will the impact be sustained?

School staff receive support and training to embed some of the new ideas in to their own delivery. New relationships are being created with local schools so that we can continue to work together. Children are signposted to community opportunities so they can continue to pursue any new-found interests. 

How are the Governors involved?

The School Governors receive a report from the Headteacher which covers the above questions. Governors are invited to visit and monitor the impact of our premium at a school level and also at our shared events.


 Swimming Data

It is a condition of the PE and Sport grant that all schools publish how many pupils within their year 6 cohort are meeting the National Curriculum requirement to swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres, use a range of strokes effectively and perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations.

Please see our impact data statement for 2023/2024 for the swimming data.

All children at Heckington School will swim during the summer term, promoting our pledge to have 100% of our year 6 pupils as competent swimmers when they leave our school.

We have decided that we will use some of the PE and Sports Premium to provide top up swimming sessions in the summer term over and above the National Curriculum entitlement for the Year 6 pupils to increase the number meeting the requirements.


Click here for our Sports Premium Statement for 2023 - 2024


Click here for our Sports Premium Statement 2014/15

Click here for our Sports Premium Statement 2015/2016

Click here for our Sports Premium impact statement for 2015-2016 

Click here for impact Data statement for 2015-2016 

Click here for our  sports Premium Statement 2016/2017 

Click here for our impact data statement for 2016/2017

Click here for our  Sports Premium Statement 2017/2018

Click here for our Impact Data Statement for 2017/2018

Click here for our  Sports Premium Statement 2018/2019

Click here for our Impact Data Statement for 2018/2019 

Click here for our Sports Premium Impact Statement for 2019 - 2020

Click here for our Sports Premium Statement for 2020 - 2021

Click here for our Sports Premium Statement for 2021 - 2022

Click here for our Sports Premium Statement for 2022 - 2023